The Learning Center

ASTCT Review of Key Proposed Changes in FY2021 IPPS for CAR-T and Allogeneic HCT

This webinar aired on May 19, 2020. Topics covered in this webinar include:

    A breakdown of what CMS has proposed
    New CAR-T MS-DRG 018
    Elimination of NTAP
    Impact of adjustments and outlier policy
    Proposed payment method for CAR-T clinical trial cases
    Overview of the reasonable cost reimbursement methodology for reimbursement of allogeneic stem cell transplants
    Round up of other major proposed changes
    Initial feedback/thoughts about advocacy implications

The speakers will also walk through a two-hospital CAR-T reimbursement scenario to give hospitals a feel for the financial impact of CMS’ proposals relative to today’s payment.


Open to view video.
Open to view video. This is the recording of the webinar that aired on May 19, 2020.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This is a copy of the slides that were used during the live broadcast of the webinar.